Keeping Your Pup Fresh: Bathing Tips When a Tub Isn't Available

Keeping Your Pup Fresh: Bathing Tips When a Tub Isn't Available


Keeping Your Pup Fresh: Bathing Tips When a Tub Isn't Available


There might be various reasons for needing to wash your dog without a bathtub. It could be a large breed that doesn't fit anymore or a small or medium-sized dog with no bathtub available. When faced with the challenge of washing your dog without a bathtub, you can use different items to create a makeshift tub or opt for a shower. You might even consider a dry bath or cleaning your furry friend outside. Regardless of the method, keeping your dog calm and rewarding them with treats is crucial.

Dog's Perspective

While there are several ways to clean your dog without a bathtub, consider what's easiest for you and your dog. The size of your dog may influence where you choose to clean them. Regardless, keeping them calm and rewarding them with treats is essential.

Dry Bath Method

Step 1: Dry Mixture

Purchase a dry shampoo from your local pet store or create your own at home by mixing baking soda and cornstarch together. Ensure you have enough to liberally cover your dog, adjusting the quantities based on their size. You can mix baking soda and cornstarch in equal parts when making your dry cleanser.

Step 2: Brush

Before applying any dry shampoo or baking soda mixture, thoroughly brush your dog to remove loose dirt and tangles. Brushing helps release natural oils from the skin, coating the fur.

Step 3: Apply

Sprinkle or spread the dry mixture on your dog's fur, letting it sit for several minutes. During this time, the mixture absorbs extra oils and odors. You can massage it into your dog's skin, but prevent them from licking or chewing on it.

Step 4: Brush Again

After letting the mixture work, brush your dog again to spread natural oils, moisturizing the skin and fur while eliminating odors.

Step 5: Shake

Allow your dog to shake outside to avoid spreading baking soda indoors.

Step 6: Treat

Reward your pup for good behavior during the dry bath with a tasty treat.

The Sink Bath Method

Step 1: Prep the Area

Gather all supplies, including shampoo, towels, a cup for rinsing, and cotton balls for your dog's ears.

Step 2: Fill Sink

Fill the sink halfway with warm water, ensuring it reaches your dog's belly.

Step 3: Add Dog

Place cotton balls in your dog's ears, add them to the sink, and use the cup to wet them down.

Step 4: Shampoo

Apply a small amount of shampoo, lathering and scrubbing your dog.

Step 5: Rinse

Rinse with the cup or faucet, checking the water temperature.

Step 6: Towel

Place a towel over your dog, soak up excess water, and dry them thoroughly.

Step 7: Brush

Brush your dry pup to remove tangles.

Caution & Considerations
  • Brush your dog daily to keep them cleaner.
  • Wash your dog's bedding and toys regularly.
  • Spot clean with a wet washcloth or wipe.
  • Address your dog's ears and mouth for overall cleanliness.
  • Make a homemade dry shampoo using cornstarch and baking soda.
  • If showering your dog, be prepared to get wet too.


When your pup isn't smelling as fresh, and a bathtub isn't an option, there are alternatives to keep them clean. Whether opting for a dry bath or using the sink, these methods ensure your furry friend stays pleasant and pampered.


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